My Ubuntu Full Setup

Raissa Correia
2 min readJan 17, 2020


I must admit, I truly enjoy Ubuntu, it’s my favorite distro and use it since 2010 with some small breaks, using Mint, Manjaro, Fedora and Debian.

For having a easy and practical guide for every time I need to reinstall linux in my PC or any other, I’ll publish my favorite full setup, configurations, softwares installed, and I pretend to make updates in this list. If you work with similar things, and thing it looks practical and nice, here we go! Remember that I’m using ubuntu 19.10 in January 2020. Tha language in the desktop is Brazillian Portuguese.

After intalling ubuntu with the minimal setup, we install the Softwares:


sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo snap install discord
sudo snap install — classic eclipse
sudo apt install font-manager
wget && sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install gparted
sudo apt install virtualbox
sudo snap install vlc
wget && sudo apt install ./skypeforlinux-64.deb
sudo snap install spotify
sudo snap install telegram-desktop
sudo snap install — classic code
sudo apt-get install xclip

Install the cool and usefull Extensions for Gnome

Gnome Extensions

  • Dynamic Panel Transparency
  • Netspeed
  • Places Status Indicator
  • Screenshot Tool

Now some configs:

Ubuntu Configs and Gnome Tweaks

Configs(that come by default in ubuntu minimal setup)

  • Appearance: Yaru (everything)
  • Dock: Left, 32px, Hide Automatically
  • Wallpapers: Macbuntu Anexar no Github

In Gnome Tweaks:

  • Active Corner, Battery % activate, Weekday, hh:mm:ss

Now the Language Tools:

Dev Environment

This includes: Git, Curl, Python3, Java(JRE and JDK 11), NPM, Node.js, React and Typescript. If I need i’ll add more! And it’s in sequencial order.

sudo apt install git
sudo apt install curl
sudo apt install python3-pip && sudo pip3 install virtualenv
sudo apt install default-jre && sudo apt install default-jdk
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
npm install — save typescript @types/node @types/react @types/react-dom @types/jest

Chrome Extensions

  • LastPass (The best password manager for free or premium)
  • Pocket (Best to keep your links and refs)
  • Google Translate (Always keep a translator in hand)
  • React Developer Tools (Obviously!)
  • uBlock Origin (Adblock to make youtube watchable and reading less distracting)

Vscode Extensions

  • Python
  • Docker
  • “ES7 React/Redux/…”, ESlint, npm
  • GitHistory, gitignore, Gitlens
  • Debugger for Java, Java Dependency Viewer, Java Extension Pack, Java Test Runner, Language Support Java, Maven for Java
  • Markdown All in One
  • Prettier, Intellicode visual studio, vscode-icons,Bracket Pair Colorizer

Zsh and Oh-My-Zsh Configs

  1. Install Zsh: sudo apt install zsh
  2. Make Zsh your default Shell: chsh -s $(which zsh)
  3. Get Oh-my-ZSH: sh -c “$(curl -fsSL"
  4. In your home “~” type “nano ~/.zshrc” and you’ll change this lines:

export ZSH=”/home/raissa/.oh-my-zsh”


plugins=(git npm vscode aws django docker flutter node python pip dnf jsontools)



Raissa Correia
Raissa Correia

Written by Raissa Correia

Just a brazillian fullstack dev @raideveloper on twitter and instagram

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